Tyler's Revenge
Don't call it a comeback.

After going 0-11 last week, Tyler Krusz was out for some revenge, and he got it.
If you're wondering, the streak ran to 0-15(!!) before he got a game right. And then he went on a run.
We'll see how they do when the games really matter.
The shorter turnaround from the regular season to the playoffs for Fall Sports caught me off-guard (no weekend to get caught up like in basketball!), but the Fall Sports playoff stuff is pretty much ready to go.
You'll probably remember this from basketball, but the Model generates the likelihood that every team can take home the Gold Ball, like this:

You can see this for Boys and Girls Soccer and Field Hockey and Football is on the way.
There's only 2 prelim games left on the schedule (assuming the one I found is correct, which is...maybe?) and both of them are in B North Boys Soccer.
MDI visits Erskine and Presque Isle travels to Oceanside.
Pity the bus driver who had to drive from Presque Isle to Erskine on Friday for a girls soccer prelim and has to go to Oceanside today. That's a total of 14 1/2 hours of driving. But something tells me if PI completes the upset double, the bus driver might not mind so much.
The Model's pick for both those game is after the jump.